MD Stables



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M.D. Stables is also a training centre for the horses belonging to students who wish to avail themselves of these services. Magali Morin discusses the needs of the horse with the owners and can take over all aspects of the training, from ground work to specific training under saddle. She works with each horse in order to help the riders reach their goals. The training program is therefore set up with the owner’s participation.

Mutual respect must first be established between the trainer and the horse in order to proceed with the next steps. Flatwork being the basis of all disciplines, a great deal of emphasis is laid on smooth gaits, respect for the leg and hand and effective communication between horse and rider. It is fundamental that the horse be happy during training while remaining true to its nature; every horse is thus in contact with its kind and will get the opportunity to work both freely or on a trail in addition to training in the ring.